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Two Exercises To Start Your Day

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If you’ve ever injured your low back or have experienced any pain along your spine, moving may not be on the top of your list. Well, at Pro-Care Medical Center, our chiropractic and rehab protocols focus on reducing pain, getting a normal range of motion back, and building strength to prevent injury from occurring again.

Two of our favorite exercises are oldies, but goodies. If you’ve ever tried yoga, you may have experienced a variation of them. As Dr. Dean Rushing, the chiropractor in our South Austin clinic explains, the Cat-Camel and Bird Dog exercises are essential for spinal mobility and core strength. Three things to focus on to get the most out of each of these movements:

  1. Form – always start with a neutral spine and don’t try to do something if it hurts!
  2. Breathing – it’s important to breathe and not hold your breath when moving. For example, inhale in the cat position, exhale in the camel.
  3. Technique – make sure you’re activating the core muscles your using.

Start your day with the Cat-Camel and Bird Dog to ensure you’re building a strong spine… that can move!

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