Now Open in Kyle and Lubbock, Texas!

Jill Heytens, MD

Neurology and Electrodiagnostics
Jill Heytens, MD

Dr. Jill Heytens, M.D. is a Board Certified Neurologist, and she is also Board Certified in Electrodiagnostic Medicine. Dr. Heytens specializes in Neurophysiologic testing and BOTOX/Myobloc injections. She brings her compassion and care to patients in the area of Austin, Texas at Pro-Care Medical Center.

Dr. Heytens graduated from Boston University School of Medicine in 1989 and has been in practice for 27 years. She completed a residency at New England Medical Center in Boston and did her fellowship at Stanford University Medical Center.

Dr. Heytens accepts multiple insurance plans including TRICARE, Aetna, and Medicare. Dr. Heytens’s practice is bilingual in English and Spanish. She utilizes state-of-the-art equipment for EMG and NC studies and offers a 24-hour turnaround on reports. Dr. Heytens can normally schedule patients within 24 – 48 hours of your request for these tests.

Want to book an appointment with Jill Heytens? Please call 512-371-7478.