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Shoulders Rehab Video Library

Rapid Rehab and Recovery

You don’t have to be a major league all-star pitcher to experience shoulder pain. Sure, you might be able to throw a curveball, but have your shoulders thrown you one before? The joints, muscles and tendons that make up the shoulder are complex, allowing you a range of motion that’s unique in our bodies. Shoulder injuries and pain can greatly reduce your range of motion while impacting many areas of your life. If you’ve had a shoulder impingement and tried to brush your teeth, you know what we’re talking about.

Our goal is to provide you the tools you need if you are experiencing pain or an injury in your legs for rapid rehab and recovery. Our treatment includes at-home exercises, including the following videos here.

Whether you’re seeing us for minor shoulder pain or post-op shoulder rehab, our protocols are focused on reducing pain, building strength and regaining mobility to address common shoulder injuries and pain including:

  • Shoulder Tendonitis
  • Shoulder Bursitis
  • Rotator Cuff Injury
  • Frozen Shoulder Syndrome
  • SLAP Tears
  • Shoulder Impingement