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Ideal Protein Update: New IdealSmart App and Packaging Now Available!

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Weight Loss Warriors,

Please make sure you use your app daily to log your progress and your meals. You will love it! Easier and quicker than before… promise!

New IdealSmart App!

Re-built using your feedback, the updated IdealSmart App has a newly designed interface, is compatible with Fitbits, Apple Watches and other smart devices, all new meal journaling features, and more! Packed full of features, the new IdealSmart app is out now!

New features include:

  • Newly designed interface/look & feel
  • Improved meal journal experience
  • Including the ability to create “Recipes/Custom Meals”
  • Easily add favorite foods
  • Along with the IdealSmart Activity & Sleep Band, the app now supports Step Tracking with Fitbit devices and Apple Watches.
  • New graphs and charts to monitor your progress.
  • Updated Profile Screen with Profile picture upload (Including the ability to upload a Before, After, and a Lifestyle Picture)
  • Ability to add Measurements directly from the IdealSmart App
  • Built-in notifications
  • Updated Bluetooth compatibility for many new smartphones and other manufacturers

Download it on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store today! Please note, you may be prompted to re-enter your login information.

Have questions on using the IdealSmart App or need to troubleshoot some common issues.

IdealSmart App

New Packaging, Same Ingredients

Along with the new app, Ideal Protein has also updated its packaging! Remember, new colors, but the SAME amazing flavors and healthy ingredients that you love. Take a look at some of the products we already have in stock and be on the lookout for new delicious flavor bars soon!

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