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Cravings vs. Hunger. Which One?

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Ana Boecking, Weight Loss Director
How do you identify which one you are experiencing: a craving or hunger? Simply put, if you would rather eat chocolate over chicken or lettuce, then you are probably experiencing a craving. If you would eat anything, including the chicken and lettuce, then you are actually hungry. Ask yourself the following questions to help identify what you’re experiencing:


• Is my stomach grumbling? Or, is it in my head?
• When was the last time I ate?
• When was the last time I drank water?
• Why am I craving/hungry for this “food’?”


Here are some Tips & Tricks on How to Distract Yourself When Cravings Come Up. 
You can definitely overcome these challenging thoughts, but we know it’s hard. Working on your mindset is critical. Here are some ideas that can help you stay on track and get the results that you have been working so hard to achieve.


1. Your Why
Remind yourself why you started this journey and post your “why” around the house. Post it on the fridge, mirrors, and computer/laptop. Some examples are of your “why” could be:
• To reduce my medication(s)
• To be able to climb a flight of stairs and not be out of breath
• To watch my grandchildren grow up, and to be able to play and keep up with them


2. Keep Your Mind Busy!
It’s that simple. You should never be bored! If boredom leads you to eat mindlessly, then don’t allow yourself to go there.
• Start a puzzle
• Play board games or video games
• Practice mindfulness: meditate, journal, or simply stop, focus and breathe
• Reach out to a friend and have a conversation
• Read a book or an article, or maybe even write a book
• Learn something new, like knitting or a new language (check out Duolingo – MY PERSONAL favorite)
• Paint. If you are not a painter, you can do ‘paint by number’. Anyone can do that!


3. Keep Your Body Moving!
• Go for a walk, a light run or a bike ride
• Turn on music – play it loud and dance around
• Practice Yoga (check out YouTube)
• Watch and follow the Ideal Protein Fitness Videos (located on the Ideal Protein Platform)
• Do a light workout with stuff around the house (use cans or water bottles as weights)
• Live in an apartment building? Take the stairs!
• Do you have a yard or live in the country? Chop firewood, rake leaves, have fun gardening


4. Other Creative Ideas!
• If possible, avoid having non-Phase 1 foods in the house
• Clean the house, wash windows, organize drawers and closets (another one of my favorites)
• Drink something hot – it’s comforting
• Take a nice hot shower or bath
• Try new Phase 1 recipes – check out Chef Verati videos on the Ideal Protein Platform.

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