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Why See a Chiropractor for Hip Pain after a Car Accident?

It is possible to walk away from a car accident without sustaining any obvious injuries. In fact, you might feel grateful or lucky considering the circumstances. However, after a few days, you may start to notice some pain and discomfort start to set in. Car accident injuries are notorious for delayed symptoms that can take …

What Is Flexion-Distraction Therapy?

Have you ever experienced back pain or joint pain that lasts for more than a few days and you start to wonder if you should see a doctor? Or do you try to wait out the pain and see if it will go away so you can avoid a trip to the doctor’s office? When …

Most Common Diagnoses for Neurological Pain Symptoms

If you have damaged nerves or a condition that disrupts healthy nerve functioning, then you may experience neurological pain symptoms. These pain symptoms can come and go or they can be chronic. People who struggle with neurological pain symptoms typically have a root cause of that pain and a neurologist can help. If you experience …

Stomach Pain and Back Pain after a Car Accident

When you think of car accident injuries, a few scrapes and bruises or a common injury like whiplash might come to mind first. While many people do experience back pain from a car accident or at some point in their lives, you might not consider stomach pain as a sign of something more serious after …

Top 5 Diseases That Cause Neurological Pain

Your nervous system is essential to everything your body does and any potential damage to that system can have lasting effects. You have nerves in your body that control involuntary activities, like your heart rate, digestion, and breathing called autonomic nerves. Motor nerves control your body’s movements by passing along messages from your brain to …