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Top 5 Shoulder Injuries Caused by Car Accidents

Shoulder pain is common after a car accident. Seat belts offer safety to drivers and passengers that typically run across the front of the shoulder to the side of the hip. Certain types of car accidents may cause you to strain against the seat belt, putting pressure on your shoulder joint. You might feel sore, …

Improving Range of Motion After Car Accident Injuries

A car accident can cause injuries that end up keeping you from participating in the activities you used to enjoy. There are many car accident injuries that can affect your mobility, strength, and range of motion while you heal and recover. If you skip out on seeing a doctor after a car accident, you run …

Top 5 Car Accident Soft Tissue Injuries

The force of a car accident can cause far more damage to your body than you might realize. In fact, many of the most common car accident injuries affect the soft tissues in your body, like muscles, tendons, and ligaments. While scrapes, bruises, and broken bones are more obvious injuries, you can also experience significant …

Exercise Can Help Neurological Pain

Physical activity is an important part of the healing process and can also help you manage and overcome pain. If you struggle with neurological pain, then there are exercises that can help you. Exercising when you have neurological pain does come with unique challenges, but the benefits typically outweigh the risks. Visit a doctor of …

What to Do About Herniated Disc Pain

Have you ever heard of a herniated disc? This type of spinal issue can cause pain and discomfort that can last for years if not diagnosed and treated properly. The spine is made up of a series of vertebrae stacked one on top of the other from your neck to your buttocks. In between each …