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What to Do After a Car Accident That’s Not Your Fault

A car accident can happen to you when you least expect it. When a car accident occurs through no fault of your own, you might be especially shaken up and stressed about what to do next. The shock and stress of a fender-bender or high-impact collision can leave you feeling unsure of what to do …

7 Common Pinched Nerve Symptoms and Causes

Your body is full of millions of nerves that help send signals and information, including messages from your brain, indications to feel pain, and controlling of your movements. Nerves are everywhere in your body, and if too much pressure is placed on a nerve, it can become aggravated. A nerve under too much pressure can …

How Likely Are You to Get in a Car Accident?

You never think a car accident will happen to you until it actually does. You may drive past car accidents every day on your way to work or the grocery store. From minor fender benders to multiple cars involved in rear-end collisions, hundreds of car wrecks happen every day. In fact, over a million car …

What to Expect Physically After a Car Accident

Did you know that millions of Americans get into car accidents each year? Even what seems like a minor car accident can still end up affecting you physically. Car accident symptoms can appear right away, or it may take days for you to notice something is wrong. The stress of a car accident can cause …

What to Do After a Minor Car Accident

The sound of squealing tires followed by the crunch of another vehicle colliding yours is such a nightmare. Even a minor car accident can wreak havoc on your day. Even with a minor car accident, no damage is unlikely, and you may be surprised to learn you have sustained some damage to your vehicle, if …