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What Does a Punctured Lung Feel Like?

If you are feeling an intense amount of pain when you breathe, you may be suffering a punctured lung. This condition is also called pneumothorax, from pneumo, which means related to the lungs, and thorax, which refers to the chest. Some people may refer to it as a collapsed lung. Air can collect in the …

How Much Does a Chiropractor Cost to Crack Your Back?

When you are looking for someone to help with your back pain, part of your concerns about how to choose the best doctor will depend on the cost of care. Millions of people go to the doctor each year for back pain, and one popular type of back pain specialist is the chiropractor. If your …

What Causes Chest Pain After a Car Accident?

Whenever you are experiencing chest pain, it is a cause for concern and important that you seek medical attention right away. Chest pain is more common than you might expect after a car accident. If you have ever experienced chest pains before, then you know how stressful the situation can be. Add to that a …

Delayed Shock Symptoms After Accident

Whether you were the driver or the passenger in a car accident, it is possible to go into shock after such a traumatic event. Shock after a car accident isn’t just related to psychological trauma; it can also affect you physically and require medical attention. Delayed shock symptoms are also common after a traumatic event …

What Are Your Chances of Getting into a Car Accident?

Many people think “it won’t happen to me” about getting into a car accident. You may be confident in your driving skills, but other drivers on the road can also pose a danger to your safety. Millions of car accidents happen each year in the United States, and it is important to understand that this …