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4 Reasons to Try Telemedicine

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One of the mantras at Pro-Care is “life can be chaotic, but your healthcare doesn’t have to be.” We’re constantly looking at ways to improve the patient experience for you. Whether that’s to simplify the way you can make appointments (book’em online!), reduce wait times, or ensure timely follow-up, the list is long and we’re always trying to get better at serving you. That’s why we’re now offering telemedicine for our established patients!

Sure, telemedicine has been around a bit, but the technology (and honestly, the regulations around it) needed a lot of work. Once we saw it becoming a truly viable option, we jumped on board.

So, what’s telemedicine?

Whether it’s called virtual health, telehealth, telemedicine… it’s the ability to meet with your provider through the use of your at-home or in-office tech such as your smartphone or laptop. It doesn’t replace appointments where a physical exam is required, but it has a lot of great upside for follow-up visits, medication management, lab results review, and more. It’s up to Pro-Care providers to use their discretion for a virtual visit, but you can certainly request a telemedicine appointment by calling, e-mailing or even texting us.

4 reasons to see my doctor “virtually”?

The list of reasons to try telemedicine is long, but here are a few of the primary advantages for you:

  1. It’s convenient. You can have an appointment while at work, at home or even while you’re hanging out on the beach in Hawaii!
  2. Save time. The driving time to and from one of our clinics, especially in Austin or San Antonio traffic, isn’t lost on us.
  3. Save money. That car ride isn’t free! And you can stay at work being productive, even while in the virtual waiting room.
  4. HIPAA-compliant. Don’t fret. We take patient privacy very seriously. Our telemedicine platform is fully HIPAA-compliant to keep and maintain patient privacy.

How does it work?

We’re using a great technology widely used in the healthcare industry called VSee. Even NASA uses it for astronauts on the International Space Station! From a patient perspective, you’d download the VSee app and be able to check into the Pro-Care virtual waiting room. Most patients use their smartphones and thus far, we’ve had a lot of great reviews as we’ve slowly rolled it out. The appointment is treated like a normal office visit with your office co-pay being the same.

Next time you need to see one of our providers, consider contacting your Pro-Care clinic directly or request an appointment.

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